7 Wonders of the Modern World

7 Wonders of the Modern World

The 7 Wonders of the Modern World, also known as the New 7 Wonders of the World, are a series of monuments that have been recognized as the greatest man-made structures...
Michael Anderson
Magellan & The Age Of Exploration: Circumnavigating The Earth

Magellan & The Age Of Exploration: Circumnavigating The Earth

In September of 1519, Portuguese explorer Ferdinand Magellan departed from Spain with a crew of 270 men and five of the most advanced ships that Europe had ever seen...
Michael Anderson
Tagged: History
5 Largest Deserts In The World

5 Largest Deserts In The World

We often think of deserts as vast expanses of sand that are completely devoid of life. However, as we will shortly see, some deserts don't contain sand at all while others...
Michael Anderson
A Brief History Of Time Zones

A Brief History Of Time Zones

Although most people rarely think about time zones, they play a vital role in globalization and world affairs. From the lush jungles of Brazil to the snow capped peaks of Nepal...
Michael Anderson
Tagged: History
5 Busiest Airports In The US

5 Busiest Airports In The US

With over 5,000 public airports across the continental United States, there's no shortage of busy hubs where people can travel quickly from one destination to another...
Taylor McCutcheon
8 Oldest Homes in America

8 Oldest Homes in America

America is home to some notably old structures that hold a grand history of the families that built them and the area where they stand. Leap back in time to learn about...
Heidi Giancola
Tagged: Culture History
5 Smallest Countries In The World

5 Smallest Countries In The World

We often think of a country as a sprawling landmass that contains numerous distinct regions and administrative centers. However, as we will shortly see, some countries are...
Michael Anderson
5 Largest Islands In The World

5 Largest Islands In The World

Although it's difficult to determine how many islands exist throughout the world, we do have a lot of information about the largest ones. Some of the largest islands...
Michael Anderson
Top 5 UNESCO World Heritage Sites

Top 5 UNESCO World Heritage Sites

UNESCO World Heritage Sites are landmarks that have been recognized for their cultural, historical, or scientific importance. Although there's certainly no shortage...
Michael Anderson
Antigua & The Kingdom of Guatemala

Antigua & The Kingdom of Guatemala

Antigua is a UNESCO World Heritage Site and former capital of the Kingdom of Guatemala, the name given to an administrative division of the Spanish Empire...
Michael Anderson
5 Interesting Facts About the Maya Civilization

5 Interesting Facts About the Maya Civilization

When people think about the Maya civilization, most probably remember the 2012 doomsday scenario that the Maya supposedly predicted through their long count calendar. While there is no actual evidence to suggest the Maya...
Michael Anderson