Perfect for homeschoolers

If you are a homeschooling parent, you can relate to the continuous hunt for reliable educational materials to supplement your homeschool curriculum. Taking on the rewarding job of educating your children is no easy feat, and any time one can find high quality, dependable materials, it calls for a little celebration. Cue GeoJango’s A Trip Around the USA Adventure Bundle. A friend recommended I check out this product. And what, you ask, convinced me to try it out? … The fact that this educational game is created by a professional Geospatial Scientist! So what exactly is the A Trip Around the USA Adventure Bundle by GeoJango?

Educational materials

Products Created by Experts

First, let me start by giving you some background I learned about the company from their website. GeoJango is a U.S. based woman-owned business (go girl!) that clearly has a passion for map making and promoting learning about the world. Their claim to fame are these gorgeous push pin travel maps. You can check them out here. The most impressive aspect of this company is their level of expertise. The products offered by this company are created by professionals with advanced degrees in Geographical Information Systems, Environmental Science, and Education, to name a few. This level of proficiency definitely gives me confidence when deciding whether or not to spend my money on materials for homeschooling. Ok, now on to the actual product…

What's Inside the Box?

A Trip Around the USA Adventure Bundle by GeoJango is a geography kit created to help children learn about U.S. geography, landmarks, state capitals, monuments, state icons, and so much more. Children are invited to play games and interact with the items in the bundle. Inside the box you get a handful of goodies. My favorite and the most prominent item is the illustrated map of the USA. Are you ready for this parents? It's a giant 36”x24” graphic map printed on TEAR RESISTANT fabric. Genius! This map is so pretty, it could honestly double as wall art for my playroom. The graphics are engaging for little learners, while teaching accurate information such as state flowers and historical landmarks. Giving this map the once over, you quickly see its packed full of information delivered in the form of visuals - always a favorite tool of learning for my kids. Next is an activity booklet that contains game rules and a bunch of pages for your kiddo to explore and interact with. The main game for kids to play is the USA Road Trip Card Game, where players use the fabric map and cards to move around the country according to the cards they are holding in their hands. To finish the unboxing of this bundle, we have a stack of state cards, game pieces, and a tote bag to pack it all up in when you’re done playing.

USA Map and Game

Kid's Approval Rating

So, the burning question… did my kids like the A Trip Around the USA Adventure Bundle? Because ultimately, that was a top requirement. They already spend enough time solving equations, reading passages, and pushing buttons on their chromebooks. I wanted to PLAY with my kids. Well, my 2nd grader asked to play again. Win! And later in the day my 4 year old asked if she could change our state flower. Clearly the game was on her mind. Win, again! I’m impressed with how engaged my children stayed while playing this game. They had so much fun exploring the map, looking at the icons decorating the states, and finding prominent landmarks across the country. I could have pulled out flash cards to teach state capitals, but instead we simply played a game. That’s a win in our book!

Learning Materials
Geography Game